Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Interbike 2006 Entry #2: Hurry up and wait

So as often is the case with trade shows, you show up early, hoping to get things done for set-up and run into inevitable snags that grind things to a screeching halt. After seven or eight years of this, you develop a sense for these things and come up with things kill a couple hours while waiting for issues to get resolved.

And so it was on Monday with the crew heading over to Ceasar's mall...

Casey got down with Headless GQ at Banana Republic...

While Tom picked out some 24L, 32W jeans....

During dinner at Cafe BaBa Re Baah!, Jim bobbed for Kebobs....

And the Ricky Bobby helmets showed up at the booth!

This is my first YouTube post, so I hope it works...Chuck and I on some rediculous ab exerciser in Ceaser's mall.

More to come!

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