Monday, December 04, 2006

All hail LineRider…the poor man’s PS3

Yeah, you can get your eBay on and spend scads of cash acquiring a Playstation 3 from some scumbag e-scalper...or you can run from store to store, get a wristband, wait in line and get shot at trying to buy one legit. Or you can just say "fuck it" and play the best video game ever online for free—LineRider. (It’s actually the third best videogame ever, behind Toobin’ and Sega Genesis NHLPA Hockey ’93, respectively). Sure, sure, all the new systems have dazzling graphics, but is the gameplay really that great?

Check out the oh-so-simple pleasure of LineRider and prepare to have your elation alternate with confounded frustration as you burn hours and hours trying to land that little sledhead just right.

When you’re done, check this out to see how much you really suck.

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