Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bad taste dooms Hillary

In political news, Hillary Clinton has been categorically eliminated from receiving my vote for the 2008 Democratic Primary based solely on her selection of a Celine Dion song as her campaign theme.

Now I’m willing to look past the little Whitewater thing at the end of her husband’s presidency, the whole grandstanding “I make cookies too” thing way back when, and her apparently well-earned reputation as being a biotch. The latter may, in fact, be an asset, and the other two things are irrelevant and immaterial to me. God knows, they pale in the face of the true crimes and atrocities of the current administration.

I’d go so far as to say that I LIKE the woman (and her husband and daughter on the whole), agree with much of her thinking and find her infinitely more appealing than a bushel of Bushes. But in selecting Celine’s “You and I,” Hillary has committed a high crime of bad taste—one I cannot be associated with—and, no, it has nothing to do with Ms. Dion’s Caniadianess. For the record, I tend to like Canucks.

So unless she makes it to the big dance, I’m sticking with the junior senator from Illinois.

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