Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just got back from a ride and ate a burrito for lunch, but it's not enough. What I've really been craving--for a few days now--are some sour gummi somethings or those sour apple straws and the post-workout famine is allowing me to justify it. Unfortunately, the closest thing we have in our vending machine is Starburst and I'm going to spend all my crap food credits on those. I'm pretty sure they are made of plastic and I know they're not nearly sour enough, but they'll have to do.
The plastic Starburst wrapping machine must have been on 'tight' this week as it's nearly impossible to get the little individual wrappers off.
"What? Haven't you ever seen a grown man at work opening Starburst with a groady X-Acto knife?"
For the record I like Starburst flavors in this order:
1. Cherry
2. Lemon
3. Strawberry
4. Orange
Also, when I do eat sour gummi patch whatevers, I shake the extra sour sugar from the bottom of the package directly into my mouth. I've also been known to freebase pretzel salt. There's nothing to shake in Starburst.

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