Monday, March 03, 2008

Creature from the Desk #9

Okay, this one is more part of the cube than the desk, but you can see it from the desk, so fair play.

As space has inexplicably become less available here at work, I've seen my bicycle get moved, knocked over, run into and tripped on. Being that I neither want to see it nor anyone hurt, I improvised a storage syetem out of some old bike rack parts sitting around. Just put the wheels in the track and lean it against the wall..voila! I may need to add some restraint to make it earthquake-safe...and my mountain bike handlebars may be too wide, but, we'll see!

And, yes I am aware that my desk is a friggin' rat's nest mess!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enough with the bike stuff. When are you going to do a blog on how cool your friend Troy is?