Monday, December 22, 2008

It's minus 33 degrees...

It's minus 33 degrees...good thing my brother is well insulated.

It's minus 33 degrees...which can instantly freeze your face.

It's minus 33 I think I'll skip the giant sundae on the right.

It's minus 33 degrees...but not at the center of a Superdawg's pure beef heart.
[Actual temperature -9 degrees Farenheit, wind chill index -33]


Green Laker said...

You might have picked the wrong winter to travel home.

Anonymous said...

Are your nipples hard???

Dongoose said...

I don't have nipples. They froze and broke off.

swanwilliam said...

Oh my! That, in fact, is the lowest temperature I remember in Berlin on our thermometer many moons ago! 33 below is unfathomable to most out here.