Thursday, February 22, 2007

Creature from the Desk #2

Being in marketing, I get all kinds of weird promotional items in the mail, most of which are just plain dumb. This one from a display company called Department of Energy (thus the DOE) is different. It's a wind-up penguin that waddles and poops little candy poo balls. I would have photographed the poo balls for you, but I ate them all already.


Anonymous said...

I likey your penguin. Does he or she have a name?

Dongoose said...

Let's see...It's a she. I'll call her Gwen, after my mom. Though I should note that my mom neither waddles nor poops publicly.

Anonymous said...

Careful, penguins have been known to carry the clap.


Dongoose said...

And you have the Gank, but I still hang out with you. It's all about the precautions.