Saturday, September 13, 2008

And so the mayhem begins

As you can see from the slideshow, deconstruction of our garage began today much to the chagrin of the rodents who called it home. Barring any major hiccups, we should be down to the slab by quitting time today, and Monday they start in on the concrete demo. I'm feeling Bob Vila-esque. Monday I'll be Mr. Slate.

In closing, I'd like to wish the old garage and carport all the best--except for the the doors that were too small, and the sauna-like climate, and the fiberglass roof that leaked like crazy, and the colony of pooptastic rats, and the roll-up door that faced the yard, and the huge gap in the back wall, and the moldy mold, and the lack of lights, and peeling paint, and all the shit the previous owners left--you were a good old bike shed.

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